Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Signup

Join us for a yummy breakfast of pancakes and bacon plus your choice of beverage for only $7 per plate! Proceeds go straight to the bunnies at E.A.R.S.! Breakfast is dine-in only. We will also have a small theme basket auction at the event.

Where: Applebee’s, 4002 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510
When: Sunday July 9, 8am-10am
How much: $7 per person

Just send your payment to EARS ($7 per person) via cash (preferred), PayPal, or Venmo (@EARS-1), and fill out the form below!
If paying via PayPal or Venmo, please write Pancake Breakfast in the payment notes

    Number of guests:

    Drink Choice (1 per guest):

    Payment Method: